1. Metabolism
Coffee can help raise your metabolism and help you burn fat at a faster rate, this has a positive affect on your weight loss. By stimulating the nervous system this then sends signals to your fat cells to break down body fat.
This is part of the reason why coffee is recommended before trips to the gym.
2. Antioxidants
Numerous studies have shown that coffee is a major source of antioxidants, providing more antioxidant activity than green tea and cocoa. Antioxidants help by preventing or delaying cell damage, this helps fight inflammation which is the underlying cause of many chronic health conditions including: arthritis, atherosclerosis and types of cancer.
3. Healthy Heart
Moderate coffee drinks (two or four cups a day) have a 20% lower risk of getting heart disease compared to heavy, light or non-drinkers. There is also some evidence to suggest that coffee may support heart health by protecting against arterial damage caused by inflammation.
4. Depression
There are multiple studies that suggest drinking coffee contributes to lower rates of depression in both men and women. Heavy coffee drinkers had the lowest risk of depression with an up to 20% chance. Caffeine activates neurotransmitters that control your mood, this includes dopamine and serotonin.
5. Gout
The strong antioxidant properties in your coffee help decrease the risk of gout by decreasing insulin which lowers uric acid levels. Researchers found a positive correlation between long-term coffee consumption and the decreased risk of gout. The research group was over 90,000 females over a period of 26 years.